Flexible Geomembrane Panel Fabrication and Installation
Aquamate design, factory fabricate and install flexible Geomembrane lining systems for water storage dams, evaporation ponds, waste water pits and irrigation storage dams. Factory fabricated panels minimise the number of field seams resulting in lower leak rates and minimise the risk of weather and scheduling delays.
Autonomous Operation Means You Have Less to Worry About
Aquamate’s capability extends to independent management of on-site works, and seamless integration with other contractors. Our field service operations throughout remote central Australia ensure successful outcomes through regular communication with key stakeholders. Safety and environmental management plans coupled with our site based auditing procedures ensure our safe systems of work with the utmost consideration to protecting the environment.
› Drop-in Pit Liners
› Single and Dual-lined Water Storage Ponds
› Sealed Floating Covers
› Evaporation Covers
› Leak Detection Systems
› Factory fabricated flexible Geomembranes up to 1.25mm thick
› Individual Geomembrane panels up to 9,000 m² / 4,500kg
› Field installation and seaming of Flexible Geomembrane panels anywhere in Australia